世間情 第123集 03

日韓 商務 休閒 鞋 靴

潤膚養顏 食物洗臉法









Soothing beauty food wash method

Face, is an important measure to keep the skin clean . Many women will use a variety of facial wash your face , but you know, magical life if the face of the " beauty products saint ," we can achieve better than facial skin effect.

Salt , lemon , vinegar ... these are a good helper when you wash your face can take advantage of .

Large waist afraid to wear a skirt , stockings afraid Tuicu meat is no place hidden . Want to quickly get that good body , fruit is always the first choice , then in the end what to eat fruit to lose weight the fastest it? Xiao Bian today Cellulite summarizes seven kinds of fruit , so you eat more lean .


Want to lose weight by fruits , without mentioning Apple . Apple contains very rich in nutrients , can lower blood pressure , anti-oxidation, reduce the incidence of cancer . In addition, Apple is also very rich in pectin and dietary fiber , can promote digestion and prevent constipation, discharge

Stool , eliminate edema.

Although they are relatively sweet banana fruit , but it is very low calorie , and therefore is the most suitable for breakfast recipes. Bananas are rich in dietary fiber, can stimulate gastrointestinal motility , and for a long time to maintain energy. Therefore , breakfast with banana and low-fat milk , both to control the heat

Intake, protein supplement can increase the metabolic rate of the body.