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Beautiful body beauty regimen

?Move bedtime , fit body show up

Before going to bed , you can lie in bed to do some simple little exercise, relax your body , physical and mental health is also good , oh !

First of lying in bed, lift your legs to lift , carry down on the massage . Do not continue carrying the leg down , or L -shaped wall- lying land , in addition to this action 

can help thin leg fat.

Then lying down, legs were hanging in the air 90 degrees , 45 degrees position, and the position of 30 degrees , each angle of about 30 seconds to 1 minute to stay , or you can 

stick to the limit. This action can shape the muscles of the thigh.

You can also lie on the bed, his legs shrink in the chest , chest close to the thigh , arms straight clip around the ear , to the palm of your hand above the elbow attached to 

the bed. This action can help eliminate stool .