世間情 第124集 01

 七天美白食譜 做美丽佳人


餐前一個西紅柿,美白、健康又美麗。西紅柿是維他命C的大寶庫,因此是美白的健康食品。 VC可以抑制皮膚內酪氨酸酶的活性,有效減少黑色素的形成,從而達到使皮膚白嫩,黑斑消退的效果。韓國明星崔真實就是西紅柿美白大使,很多明星也曾透漏了西紅柿美白的秘方。






相信大家對薏仁的美白效果一定不會陌生,被很多專家都譽為美白的聖品。其主要成分為蛋白質、維生素B1、B2,有使皮膚光滑,減少皺紋,消除色素斑點的功效。除此之外,薏仁還對面部粉刺及皮膚粗糙的有明顯的療效, 同時還對紫外線有吸收能力,其提煉物加入化妝品中還可達到防曬和防紫外線的效果。

Seven days to make beautiful beauty whitening recipes

First day: fasting tomatoes

Fasting tomatoes
Fasting a tomato , white , healthy and beautiful. Tomatoes are a great treasure trove of vitamin C , so the whitening of healthy food. VC can inhibit tyrosinase activity in the skin , effectively reducing the formation of melanin, so as to make the skin white and tender , dark spots fade effect. Korean Ambassador Choi is tomato whitening , many stars have to disclose the recipe for tomato whitening .
The next day : kelp trotters soup

Kelp trotters soup
Trotters contains large amounts of collagen, skin rejuvenating magic. Collagen protein intake needed to maintain day meals for 5000mg, if there is a risk of less than this amount of wrinkles . And after a sufficient amount of collagen , the skin's natural elasticity is good, people will also change color , can become white face up .
The Kelp contains high zinc , can participate in the normal metabolism of the skin , so that the normal differentiation of epithelial cells , reducing the pilosebaceous duct mouth keratosis , is conducive to the smooth pores , but also reduce the accumulation of keratin .
Day: wolfberry wine

Wolfberry wine
This is not only an excellent taste of the food , it is a whitening feast. Love the beauty of the MM can be used as supplementary energy soup in the afternoon , not only white but also nutritious . Quail eggs are rich in protein , B vitamins and vitamin A, E , etc., cooked with fermented rice , which also produces beneficial to women with skin enzymes active substances .
The medlar is able to nourish the liver and kidney , which contain vitamin A and rice combined can promote the absorption of nutrients, women face after eating more moisture moving.
Day Four: Kiwi Salad

Kiwi salad
Kiwi and tomato whitening principle is similar , it also contains a lot of vitamin C, eat can help detoxify the skin , and can interfere with melanin production , helps eliminate dull skin, make skin brighter.
Day Five: cucumber soup

Cucumber soup
Porridge is a lot of MM 's favorite food, because porridge is not only simple and easy to do , light taste can also help slimming and beauty . This porridge is the choice for summer whitening , lowering Department , the best daily consumption sooner or later , you can moisturize the skin , beauty cream , lose weight. Modern scientific research has proved that cucumbers contain nutrients rich in potassium and a certain amount of carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, carbohydrates, protein , and mustard , phosphorus, iron and so on. Regular consumption of cucumber porridge, can eliminate freckles , whitening skin.
DAY : yam lettuce fried chicken liver

Yam lettuce fried chicken liver
This is a suitable frail MM edible nutritious food. Yam is a respected Chinese tonic to share, you can Jianshen Qi, spleen strong complement fine . Although the liver is the liver of animals , but do not have the muscle that poor nutrition , but contains a lot of iron, zinc , copper, vitamin A and B vitamins , etc., not only conducive to the synthetic estrogen , or the blood of the preferred food . The lettuce is rich in dietary fiber, can purge, qi, is a good cosmetic vegetables. The three mixed with blood nursed back to health , improvement of the skin 's moisture and color sense .
But note that, at the time of eating this dish , be sure not to drink coffee or tea and other drinks before dinner and after dinner , so as not to affect the absorption of food nutrients. If the liver is not readily available , then select or duck liver can also be replaced .
Seventh day: barley porridge of milk

Barley porridge of milk
I believe everyone on the whitening effect of barley will not be unfamiliar , hailed by many experts whitening products saint . The main components of protein, vitamins B1, B2, with smooth skin , reduce wrinkles , eliminate the effect of the pigment spots . In addition , barley also have facial acne and skin roughness significant effect , but also on the ultraviolet absorption capacity, its extracts in cosmetics can be added to sunscreen and UV effects.
In barley porridge and milk, then add a section to make congee for superior whitening effect , a combination of both is undoubtedly the strong combination of whitening ingredients to ensure you drink later and beautiful and healthy.